What Is the Average Cost of CPR Certification Classes in Chicago, IL?

What Is the Average Cost of CPR Certification Classes in Chicago, IL?

Recent statistics show that approximately 9 in 10 people who suffer a cardiac arrest outside hospital premises will lose their lives. You’d agree that those numbers are detrimental to the U.S. demographic both in the short and long run.

When it comes to prevention, the American Red Cross urges people of all ages to learn basic CPR and help lessen the potential fatalities. Everyone can sign up for a CPR course and attend it online and thanks to such options, more and more Americans are discovering the perks of online CPR classes. What’s more, the average cost of a CPR class is approximately $19,95, depending on a number of factors which we’ll discuss further along.

Additionally, with different class fees available, everyone can choose the most suitable option that fits their requirements best.

But what Is the average cost of CPR certification classes in Chicago, IL? Continue reading to see what’s included in different CPR classes, as well as what you can expect to pay for your accredited CPR certification card.

Does Everyone in Chicago Need to Be CPR-Certified?

Regarding the laws for CPR training in Illinois, the state imposes CPR training in high schools and higher education facilities. Moreover, it goes without saying that medical professionals in the range of doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers, are also required to be CPR certified.

For everyone else, having a CPR certification card is a matter of choice, but the American Heart Association, the American Red Cross, and other established health organizations urge citizens get CPR training. In addition, employers in Chicago favor potential employees trained in CPR before offering them a job, particularly in industries that revolve around large numbers of people daily.

Types and Average Costs of CPR Classes in Chicago

As we mentioned, although CPR certification isn’t mandatory, city officials of Chicago, as well as national health organizations, strongly advise people to enroll in a CPR class and learn the basics of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

In case you missed the statistic — 7 out of 10 people suffering cardiac arrest will experience it outside of hospital grounds, making CPR that much more important for civilians and bypassers. In such a scenario, knowing how to perform CPR on a person that has lost consciousness due to cardiac arrest can be what saves the person’s life.

Since practically anyone can suffer cardiac arrest, there are different CPR classes you can take, depending on the content you wish to learn. In addition, the scope of your work might dictate the type of CPR class to take.

We mentioned that a typical CPR class would cost $19,95 on average, referring to a basic CPR/BLS class. Moreover, the cost will vary depending on which (and how many) materials will be used in class, the type of the class, and the service provider.

      • Basic Life Support Training: BLS, which is short for Basic Life Support, is regarded as mandatory certification for emergency medical personnel, healthcare workers, and medical professionals. Individuals that sign up for a BLS class will be taught valuable lifesaving skills, like how to act in the case of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), heart attack, stroke, foreign-body airway obstruction (FBAO), cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and using an AED (automated external defibrillator).

    Average Cost: From $60 to $80

        • CPR and First Aid Certification: This type of CPR class includes basic elements of first aid training and CPR. Service providers such as the American Red Cross offer numerous classes of this sort, with some of the online classes costing $35. By partaking in a First Aid CPR class, people will learn how to act if someone is bleeding, has a broken bone, has suffered trauma, or has any other complex injury. First Aid CPR certification is obligatory for firefighters, first responders, and healthcare workers.

      Average cost: From $35- $60

          • Workplace CPR Certification: Employers in Chicago encourage applicants to possess workplace CPR certification to comply with OSHA’s workplace safety requirements. However, though employers are not legally bound to ask for a CPR certificate, almost everyone in a leadership position in the business sphere in Chicago understands the importance of CPR, hence, encouraging employees to become CPR-certified.

        What Affects the Cost of a CPR Class?

        As you can see from what we have showcased so far, CPR classes are priced differently, and in all cases, the price is affected by numerous factors.

            • Type of content

            • Geolocation of the service provider

            • The materials used

            • The number of participants (groups or individuals)

          Who Needs a CPR Certification in Chicago?

          CPR training isn’t obligatory in Chicago (excluding medical professionals), but it’s a practice that’s utterly important and strongly suggested by all relevant health organizations.

          Besides medical professionals and healthcare workers, the following profiles of employees are highly recommended to be knowledgeable in CPR:

              • Nannies and babysitters

              • Child caregivers

              • Security personnel

              • Guards

              • Teachers

              • Transportation staff

              • Residence assistants

              • Electricians

              • Prison staff

              • Caregivers

              • Nurses and nursing assistants

              • Personal trainers and fitness instructors

              • Coaches

              • Childcare social workers

              • Construction workers

            What Can You Expect to Learn in a CPR Class?

            In a nutshell, people attending a CPR class will be taught how to differentiate health-threatening symptoms, know the difference between cardiac arrest and heart attacks, how to help a choking victim, and properly perform CPR until professionals arrive on the site.

            The following features are the most prominent elements of a CPR class:

                • Proper treatment in the case of sudden cardiac arrest

                • Hands-only CPR

                • Administering CPR with rescue breaths

                • How deep should the chest compressions be

                • Helping a conscious choking victim

                • Helping a conscious choking child (1 to 7 years of age)

                • Offer treatment to a conscious choking using an AED (automated external defibrillator)

                • The importance of PPE (personal protection equipment)

                • The basics of CAB (compressions, airway, breathing)

              A trained instructor will explain and demonstrate the abovementioned elements, as well as familiarize participants with the Chain of Survival essentials and the Good Samaritan Laws.

              As a final step, participants will be asked to complete a final test that consists of multiple-choice questions and usually takes a couple of hours.

              To pass the test, attendees will have to score at least 70%. Otherwise, they will need to retake the test.

              For How Long Is a CPR Certificate Valid?

              Once you finish the CPR class, you will be able to receive your certification card the same day. In general, a CPR certificate is fully effective during the course of 2 years, after which you will need to apply for a renewal.


              Being able to help someone in need is one of the ultimate selfless acts we as people can do. CPR is, without a doubt, the go-to medical strategy used on unconscious people to help them get back on their feet until professional medical help arrives.

              Whether your employer requires you to know CPR or you simply want to learn how to do it for your own good, you’d be happy to know there’s a shortcut to getting a CPR certificate. Online CPR classes save time, money, and effort while delivering the same benefits as traditional, in-person CPR classes.As we pointed out, the city of Chicago does not impose an obligation for CPR certification (unless you’re a medical or healthcare employee ). However, every reliable health organization in Chicago urges its citizens to learn how to perform basic CPR. Whether you have the time to attend a CPR class in person or you prefer to take the class online, you have all the freedom in the world to choose what price range and class model fits you best.